April 19, 2017

Anda nulis apa?

Wiesenthal was often asked to explain his motives for becoming a Nazi hunter. According to Clyde Farnsworth in the New York Times Magazine (February 2, 1964), Wiesenthal once spent the Sabbath at the home of a former Mauthausen inmate, now a well-to-do jewelry manufacturer. After dinner his host said, "Simon, if you had gone back to building houses, you'd be a millionaire. Why didn't you?" "You're a religious man," replied Wiesenthal. "You believe in God and life after death. I also believe. When we come to the other world and meet the millions of Jews who died in the camps and they ask us, ‘What have you done?,’ there will be many answers. You will say, ‘I became a jeweler,’ Another will say, ‘I have smuggled coffee and American cigarettes,’ Another will say, ‘I built houses,’ But I will say, ‘I did not forget you’."

(Dari kutipan di atas, saya menarik kesimpulan, Simon Wiesenthal lebih memilih untuk menulis ketimbang melakukan hal lainnya. Bicara tentang menulis, beberapa hari yang lalu juga sempat melihat video di Youtube tentang ceramah dari M. Sobary. Hanya satu kalimat yang terngiang {masih} di ingatan saya, yaitu, "Kau nulis apa?" Anda nulis apa?)